Courtney Stanton

TummelVision 60: Courtney Stanton on empathy, rape culture, and how to tummel haters


Episode Notes

This week on TummelVision, the gang is joined by Courtney Stanton (@kirbybits), who relates her experiences contending with trolls and vitriol on the subject of rape culture in gaming. Courtney is Producer at Subatomic Studios, founder of Women in Games Boston, and co-founder of cabaret and burlesque troupe Bitches of Destiny.
News and Notes

Links related to Courtney’s experiences in confronting rape, sex, and trolling in gaming communities:

While you listen, you can follow the smart comments from our lively chat room by replaying the CoveritLive discussion.

If you’re interested in hearing more of Courtney’s fascinating insights, check out the supplemental discussion in episode “60.5.”

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