Kio Stark

Tummelvision 103 Kio Stark: Stranger Studies, Incubating Emotions and Naming Lipstick Colours

Episode Notes

Kio Stark stops into Tummelvision to discuss – you guessed it – how people relate with & to technology!  Kio teaches about human social dynamics at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.

Topics include Kio’s ITP syllabus, “bro-gramming”, Zuck’s hoodie, instruments for triangulation, systems of acknowledgement and the tower of Babel that comes from an outward-focussed web.

The group makes a very important distinction that what draws most people online is connectivity – not just information – and that we are in the “nursery school” stage of development as far as building social spaces that work online.

Chat Transcript & Storify Recap

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