This week's guest will be Elizabeth Churchill


We thought it might be smart to give you folks some background on our guests prior to the show.  Hopefully,  this will spark and encourage and create a greater participation vibe, questions or comments.

This week’s amazing guest is Elizabeth Churchill.  Check out her recent research and writing .   Let us know if there is anything in particular you want us to discuss or ask Elizabeth on Thursday nite.

Some background on Elizabeth in her own words:

Elizabeth Churchill

In my professional life, I am a researcher, designer and observer of communication technologies. Originally a psychologist by training, for the past several years I have drawn on diverse areas to consider how to design effective communication situations—both face to face and technologically mediated. At the centre of my work is a fascination with people’s passions, proclivities and practices.

I have studied and written about mobility and mobile work, distributed collaboration, interaction in graphical and textual virtual spaces, and the augmentation of public spaces with digital artifacts. Applications designed and/or evaluated include cell phone interfaces, textual and 3d graphical environments, interactive digital posterboards and animated interface personas.

I currently work at Yahoo! Research, and am based in Santa Clara, CA. Formerly, I worked at PARC, the Palo Alto Research Center in Palo Alto, California in the Computing Science Lab (CSL). Prior to that I was the project lead of the Social Computing Group at FX Palo Laboratory, Fuji Xerox’s research lab in Palo Alto.

My physical instantiation is usually in San Francisco.

That last line gives you a good indication of how much fun this week’s show will be. Elizabeth is also a friend to your Tummelvision host – we have discussed the art of Tummeling and social engagement a lot.  We expect this to result in some good in depth discussions on Thursday nite!

Here are some related links: Professional stuffDay Job , Publications, Interactions magazine

  • Panahasi

    With her background and currently at yahoo research I wonder..
    Whats her take on the social merits/demerits of the upcoming iPad.
    Her ideas for social applications pertaining to and not pertaining to the iPad.
    I see the iPad as a new social tool to help bring people together in public places.
    With some good and cool applications it should be possible to make it a social sharing tool and to bring people out of the laptop. I feel someone like Ms. Churchill seems to have the background to help form great ideas about how these applications can bring people together.

    I know it’s a tough step since traditionally computers have really separated people from face to face interactions and I feel have stunted the social growth of our communities. -First it was TV that made us stay at home and stop socializing, the computers compounded the issue, now with so much social media people are really staying at home and not socializing in person.
    I believe that with some intelligent thinking and the right tools we can spread the online social habits back into public social habits. People just need to be herded back in the correct direction.

    • Deb Schultz

      Panahasi – Thanks for the question – great one for Elizabeth. We will ask her!!

      Cheers, D

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