Episode Notes
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Thanks to guest game designer Nicole Lazzaro
What we discussed this week.
-Nicole’s thoughts on CES trends. The game world is missing the social experience. Nicole’s ideas on how games create emotion. Daniel Floyd’s great video on why video games are missing a broader female audience. Relational and social thinking is the key. If your goal is to get people engaged and involved then you are beginning to think like a tummler.
-Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg implies that privacy is dead. How does being public help you tummel and engage people?
-Vanity Fair on social media “twilebrities.” Gawker wasn’t impressed either. Anil Dash noted, in a typically thoughtful piece, that no one has over a million followers. We are quite sure than follower numbers don’t matter as much as most people assume they do.
-Tummeling Technique: Heather explained the importance of going first via the infamous Sasquatch Dance Party video.
80’s theme song: Games People Play
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