All posts tagged Vanity Fair

TummelVision 2: Nicole Lazarro on social gaming, play & emotions


Episode Notes

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Thanks to guest game designer Nicole Lazzaro

What we discussed this week.

-Nicole’s thoughts on CES trends. The game world is missing the social experience. Nicole’s ideas on how games create emotion. Daniel Floyd’s great video on why video games are missing a broader female audience. Relational and social thinking is the key. If your goal is to get people engaged and involved then you are beginning to think like a tummler.

-Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg implies that privacy is dead. How does being public help you tummel and engage people?

-Vanity Fair on social media “twilebrities.” Gawker wasn’t impressed either. Anil Dash noted, in a typically thoughtful piece, that no one has over a million followers. We are quite sure than follower numbers don’t matter as much as most people assume they do.

-Tummeling Technique: Heather explained the importance of going first via the infamous Sasquatch Dance Party video.


80’s theme song: Games People Play

Tonight’s Tummelvision Premiere w/guest game designer Nicole Lazzaro

We’re thrilled to be premiering Tummelvision tonight. The show will stream live at from 7pm-8:00PST / 10-11:00pmEST.

Joining us is game designer Nicole Lazzaro, a participant in the Social Interaction Design Blog and an expert in the role of emotion in gaming.

You can chat with us and the rest of the Tummlers at .

This show will be livestream only for the first few months from TWiT. Well post audio files and video files if recorded by the TWiT army here once we get them.

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