All posts tagged tech

Mark Krynsky

TummelVision 63: Mark Krynsky on X Prizes, competition, cooperation, and “influence”

Episode Notes

Mark Krynsky (@krynsky) of the X PRIZE Foundation & joins us to talk about competition, cooperation, and the folly of trying to measure online “influence.”

News and Notes:

Some links and notes related to the X Prize Foundation and other aspects of Mark Krynsky’s work:

As you listen, you can replay the fascinating conversation from our live chat room here at CoveritLive.

Thomas Knoll

TummelVision 59: Thomas Knoll on love, community architecture, Zappos, tech, and humanity

Episode Notes

Thomas Knoll joins Heather, Kevin, and Deb to talk about love, community architecture, Zappos, tech, and humanity.

Alex Payne: “Technology is made of people”

What I’ve been saying a long time. The premise of TummelVision is that everythign is made of people. We make everything we have. Only Alex, a brilliant technologist (thank him for twitter to some degree and the upcoming bank simple which I will switch to in one second) spells it out as well as why we need to regulate tech. What motivated his post?

As part of their reporting on recent events in the Middle East last week, NPR ran a story called Internet Freedom and the US State Department. The story is an interview with Alec Ross, co-founder of nonprofit technology provider One Economy and now Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

While dodging hard questions about US companies selling restrictive or invasive technologies to repressive regimes, Mr. Ross made a statement that jumped out at me from my car stereo:

“[T]echnology itself is value-neutral. It depends on how a government chooses to use these technologies.”

I believe this is an unproductive, misguided, and all too common way of thinking about technology.

The rest of this essential post.

The Next Web has No Destinations (and thus needs tummlers more)

How interactions on the web are changing
The next stage of the web won’t have destinations, it will be a distributed network of content and people that will get reassembled depending on context and relationships. The increase in people interactions on the web will mean that building and managing communities will be important for responding to customer suggestions, queries, and complaints. Communities will need to be embedded in consumer experiences and not built at a new destination.

Quote from –Paul Adams, UX Researcher at Google – the tummler conclusion is mine.

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