TummelVision on (short, we hope) hiatus


hi gang,

We’re putting the show on hiatus so we can improve infrastructure and evaluate network opportunities. That’s the concise way to say we want our production process to work as well as possible, so there are minimal delays for you in getting your shows. We also want to bring the show to more people. Many thanks to all our listeners, guests, people we learn with and especially our loyal crew joining us live every week. We’ve got some great stuff coming but would also love your suggestions and anyone you think we should be talking with.

We’re excited for what’s next.

xoxo debs, kevin + heather

  • http://twitter.com/LarryHodgins Lawrence J Hodgins

    I am sure there is a long list of goals to be met before you bring the podcast out of its hiatus.  I wish you guys nothing but the best in the coming months.

  • heather gold

    Thanks Lawrence

  • arsetechnica

    been a while, still missing this. I’m shaking my fist in a comment 

  • http://twitter.com/heathr heather gold

    James (@arsetechnica:disqus ) I know, it’s frustrating! We need to make sure we have strong ongoing producer support in place because we really value our community and don’t want to launch and then have to take a break again if we lose another producer.

  • http://enkerli.wordpress.com Enkerli

    Will episode 104’s anniversary coincide with an update of some kind? Heard Kevin on TWiG a few times, mentioning further issues. Maybe the show could “pivot”? Could useful action toward a new tummeling outlet be enabled by community members?

  • Gray Gideon

    Please bring the show back! I miss it so much. Please let us know if there is a way that we can help to make this happen!

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